Friday, July 4, 2008


I know so many people that have interesting and less than loving relationships with others in their family. Not so with mine.

With being home in San Diego and getting a chance to visit with my parents (my mom is doing really well, by the way), my sister in law, my nephews and gobs of family today - I am so thankful for each and every one of them.

My family is like the Mob or like the song "Hotel California", you can check out but you can never leave. We may get mad at each other or huff at each other but it doesn't change the fact that we fully expect them to go shopping with us that same day or come over for dinner. There is nothing that anyone in my family could do that would make me distance myself from them. We're in it together. Even a few choice friends have made the family status. No shared DNA required in our family.

When I was a kid, I KNEW that I was loved. It's good to know that deep down your family would come running to your rescue at a mere phone call.

As an adult, I appreciate those relationships even more. Sometimes it is hard to get a grip on being 38 and having to watch those that I love age, get sick or pass on. My Uncle Richard's death was sudden and everyone still has an empty spot in their heart. We all miss him terribly and it has been four years now. It was so much easier when I was little and everyone would just live forever (don't all kids think that?) and we would just be a giant happy family?

Sometimes it is so darn hard with the two little ones and Katya gets frustrated. But in a few years when they are more fun and less work, they will understand how wonderful it is to have Katya and she will understand they are pretty wonderful too. They will have each other. Built in friends, furniture movers, maids of honor, confidants, advice seekers and advice givers.

At least now I can foster my kids love of family. The little ones know they are loved even by these people they don't really know too well yet. They are loved by family in Utah, Temecula, Chula Vista, Clairemont, La Costa, Vista, St. Louis...etc. They have cousins GALORE coming in on Saturday for the party. They have cousins they will get to know better tonight. And some day when it is my time to leave this earth, it is all these wonderful and fabulous people that will rally together and help my kids cope.

I must thank my mother for giving me the best gift that any parent could ever give their kids - a huge and loving family. Nuclear, extended and step - we are all just family. And I love every one of them.

1 comment:

Laura and the family said...

You are absolutely right when I got older and see the reality that this family has a REALLY STRONG CLOSE KNIT.