Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I managed to do all that walking in training... I did the walk with Michelle and although our feet hurt, we did it. Then I come home and while cleaning the house on Sunday trip over the vacuum and - break my little toe.

Left foot. Baby toe. OW!

I had it confirmed via x-ray that it is indeed a fracture and the doctor says that it will be 8-10 weeks until I can start back with the walking and aerobics again. I'm bummed.

So, I hobble around the house and go to work with my slippers on and take a lot of Motrin. Man, I love that stuff. And I spend all my time with Logan trying to keep him off of my foot. For some reason he wants to badly to step on it now.


Anonymous said...

Somebody up there has been telling you to stay off your feet a bit. Apparently you needed a stronger reminder. You've already circled the planet once in training. You deserve the break:)(pun intended)

Mandee said...

Ginger is funny.

And I send my sympathy- and there's a lot of it, having just had toe issues this summer. Enjoy that motrin!

Laura and the family said...

Ditto Ginger!! You need to stop your ODC in walking until you recover from the 3-days walking blisters... Get a speedy recovery with your little toe!

Little Things said...

Owie. I broke my baby toe on my right foot a few years ago and was MISERABLE. Who knew a baby toe could cause so much pain?

I wore my birkenstock clogs for 8 weeks while it healed. They're ugly as hell, but they were the only shoes that didn't cause more pain.